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Lower Form III (Grade 8)
Subjects: English, Maths, Urdu, Science, Islamiat, Computer Studies and Pakistan Studies.
Assessment: In Class 8, quarterly examinations are conducted in English, Maths, Urdu, Islamiat, Pakistan Studies and Science. assessment in these subjects is based on classwork, homework and examination results. Assessment in Computer Studies is based on classwork.
'O' Level Programme
All students in our School are prepared for the GCE 'O' level examinations. After completing 'O' level, students either continue on to 'A' level or join the local scheme at intermediate (FA/FSc) level. The O Level program is completed in 3 years period starting from Upper Form III, then Form IV and finally Form V.
Subject Choice
The right choice of subjects at 'O' level is very important. The following considerations are relevant:
For education in universities in Pakistan or abroad, English and Mathematics at 'O' level are generally compulsory subjects.
For admission to Pakistani colleges at intermediate level, 6 more subjects must be studied including Pakistan Studies, Urdu and Islamiat.
To take science subjects after 'O' level, the same subjects must be studied at 'O' level
Keeping the above in mind, Bloomfield Hall offers the following subjects:
Compulsory: English, Urdu, Mathematics, Pakistan Studies, Islamiat
Electives: Students can select from any of the following three options:
Sciences I: Physics, Chemistry, Biology
Sciences II: Physics, Chemistry, Computer Studies
Humanities: Economics, Accounting, Business Studies
Students are allowed to select a maximum of 8 subjects, including the compulsory ones.
Student assessment is based on:
Quarterly exams
Subjective evaluation (classwork)
Homework assignments
Year 1- Upper Form III: Students appear in internal examinations only.
Year 2- Form IV: Students appear in internal exams during the session. The final exam is external i.e. Cambridge International Examination (CAIE) is for Pakistan Studies, Urdu & Islamiat.
Year 3- Form V: Students appear in internal exams during the session. The final exam is external i.e. Cambridge International Examination (CAIE) is for English, Mathematics & three elective subjects.