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Academic Monitoring


All schools are centrally assessed by the BHS monitoring team which looks at various academic aspects including

  • Quality of notebook marking

  • Lesson planning

  • Syllabus coverage

  • Quality of class conduct (through classroom observations)

  • Adherence to homework schedule

  • Regular upkeep of work registers, grade registers, lesson planners etc.

Parent School Contact



Open Day

At least once a month, an Open Day is arranged for parents to visit the school to meet the teaching staff.


Quarterly Meeting

At the end of each quarter, parents are invited to attend a parent-teacher conference to discuss their child's progress and to receive a written report.


By Appointment

Parents are advised to make an appointment to meet teachers/Heads.


School Diary

Teachers and parents communicate with each other through the school diary.



The School produces a Newsletter which is distributed to all parents.



Parents are invited to attend a number of functions during the year as audience and the school staff meets them informally on these occasions.


The School Magazine

It contains news and articles produced by the staff and students. It is distributed to all parents.

Admission Procedure


  • The completed Admission Form along with copies of birth and health certificates, 3 passport size photographs and the Registration Fees (non-refundable) must be submitted to the school office.

  • After the Admission Form has been processed, a date is given for the applicant’s assessment.

  • Parents are informed of the outcome within one week of the child’s assessment. If a place is offered, the child’s admission / enrolment must be confirmed and all dues paid within 3 days of the date of offer.

  • If, within 3 days, enrolment is not confirmed, the child’s place is offered to another candidate.




Reception Class
Children are admitted to Reception class if they have passed their second birthday on 1st September of the year of admission. Children are expected to be toilet-trained, ready to spend time away from home, and to respond normally to stimuli.

Prep 1
Children must be above age 3 but under age 4 on 1st September of the year of admission. For admission to Prep 1, children are assessed for their independence and ability to respond intelligently and normally to stimuli.

Prep 2
Children must be above age 4 but under age 5 on 1st September of the year of admission. For admission to Prep 2, children are assessed for their understanding of English language, letters of alphabet (English), numbers, as well as independence and conduct.

Class 1 to Class 4
Children must be above age 5 but under age 6 on 1st September of the year of admission. For each successive class, a year should be added to the age. For admission, children take a written test in English and Maths. Children are also assessed for their English reading and spoken English.

Class 5 to Class 8
Children must be aged 9 - 10 on 1st September of the year in which they seek admission to Class 5. For each successive class, a year should be added. Applicants are required to sit a written entrance examination in English and Maths.

Form III to Form V
Children entering Class 9 must have passed their 13th birthday by 1st September of the year of admission and must pass the entrance tests in English & Maths (and Science, if applicable).



  • There is no uniform in Reception class. However, children in this class are expected to be tidily dressed in clothes which do not impede their movement and play.

  • In all other classes, children must come in prescribed uniform and should look tidy and smart when coming to school. Those not in uniform are not allowed to attend on that day and parents are asked to collect the pupil.

  • All pupils must leave the school premises at the end of the school day wearing full and correct uniform.

  • Jewellery is strictly prohibited – except for simple studs or rings in girls’ ears.

  • Watches should have a plain black, brown or metal strap.

  • For the convenience of parents, the school recommends shops where ready-made school uniform is available. However, parents are welcome to purchase the school uniform from any shop of their choice or to get it tailored.

  • The school is not responsible for matters concerning the provision of the uniform.

  • All items of school uniform must be labeled with the child’s name.


Fee Rules


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Bloomfield Hall School Multan Cantt

Contact Us

Tel: 061 4586778



15A Abdali Colony

Multan Cantt

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